When there are two candidates who have appeared for a single position, and one of them is gilded with the armor of professional experience while the other is still a fresher, the employer is left to fight a dithering battle of dilemma. Making the proper choice in such a situation can add either to the advantages or disadvantages of your business organization.
Eminent personalities like William Almonte, has come up in this article with a set of expedient and practically useful thumb rules which will help an employer make the right choice and for hiring an employee for a particular job profile. This article also contains relevant tips on how to tactfully elude some common follies and pitfalls frequently made by recruiters and employers.
What are the usual circumstances under which an employer should opt for fresh talents?
In case an employer is not hiring for any kind of job profile which does not require any specialization, your aim should be pinned to looking for the best of fresh talents. When the newly hired person is supposed to work as part of a team that is already in a progressive work flow, it doesn’t make much difference whether or not the employee is experienced beforehand. There are also situations in which a company wants to hire people just to make an additional inclusion of recourses to an already existing work or project. Under such a circumstance, a fresher is considered to come up with relatively more advantages.
According to William Almonte, being new to any kind of professional domain, newly recruited fresh talents create and find out innovative ways of doing a work or resolving a critical situation. On the other hand, an a person conceiving and nursing the experience he has acquired from his previous jobs, will quite obviously not take a dig at discovering any new line of approach to a given situation or problem. Furthermore, a fresher with raw talent is generally considered to prove more energetic, dedicated and loyal. They are more comfortable and are more willing to adapt to any kind of new situation as compared to the experienced employees.
When does a recruiter need to look for experienced candidates?
When a particular job profile requires specialized skills and knowledge and prior professional experience of working in the concerned field, it is important to look for experienced candidates. When it comes to the question of having former practical knowledge and exposure to a specific domain or line of work, the preference of a recruiter should quite naturally be inclined towards an experienced candidate. In such a condition, a fresh talent should not be the first preference of an employer.
What are the common mistakes and pitfalls encountered by a hire at the time of selecting the right candidate?
A hire or recruiter needs to have a proper and comprehensive understanding of the job criteria and requirements of the organization as well as of the professional or academic profile of an individual candidate. Job experience should not be mingled with the uniqueness of one’s talent. A professional recruiter should have the ability to view each of the factors of job experience and individual talent as distinct and independent.
William Almonte | William Almonte Mahwah, NJ, 22 – Push – Ups Challenge – Mahwah, NJ Patch