In the modern competitive era, a resume is the face of any aspiring candidate. Thus it becomes imperative for any candidate to exhibit an excellent resume to create a long lasting impression on the employer. According to Mr. William Almonte, if a candidate shows a proper resume in front of an employer then half of the task for the employee is done. Thus proper care and minute details are to be kept in mind while drafting your all very important resume. Therefore let us explore some of the key issues which every candidate should pay attention to while preparing his resume.
Mr. William Almonte has prescribed the following anecdotes for preparing a proper and correct CV:
- Compactness:
The foremost important matter is getting the details of the resume absolutely perfect. Even through a candidate hopes that if his or her resume is quite creative in terms of presentation then there will be his chance to get selected.But the fact is that if the content of the bio data is not up to the mark then presentation cannot qualify for selection. Thus a CV should be properly drafted as well as presented to enable it to catch the attention of the employers.
- Template formatting
Even if a candidate is not aware of designing the bio data with excellent features, simple template downloaded pretty easily from google may do the purpose for him. There are numerous resume formats that can be used to prepare a proper resume. These formats can help and guide a candidate in designing the resumes in the perfect manner.
- Use of Proper font
In order to give a professional look to the resume, a candidate should select the font very carefully. The most common font is the Times new Roman, which is used everywhere. However, some other fonts can also be tried out. It is to be ensured that the font size generally should be within 9 and 12. In other words, the size of the font should not be smaller than 9 and not lager than 12.
- Contact Information
A candidate’s personal information should always feature at the top. Name, contact number, the address should always be written at the top of the resume. These details should be clearly written I proper manner which attracts the employer to read in further. After all, it is the gateway for a perfectly drafted professional resume.
- Skimmable
It is to be kept in mind that in modern days most of the resumes are being read in soft copy form. In other words, resumes are being read through computers. Thus while drafting these resumes proper headlines, bold and italics should be given wherever necessary. Such formatting catches the eyes of the selectors on key points or rather the relevant points. In between the sub headings, there should be proper spacing so that it looks good.
Thus, it is pertinent to inculcate all these points within a resume so that it becomes noticeable amidst all the other candidates and enabling the candidate to stand out among all other contenders for the coveted jobs.
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