Online job recruiting service is quickly replacing old methods of searching for jobs for fresh job seekers. At this stage Job portals are providing range of in formations to the candidates so they can find the dream job they are looking for.
Online recruitment asks for the academic and previous job experience records only to provide the job seeker options to apply for numerous companies and positions. From sending the resume to potential recruiters to searching for jobs for the candidates’ desired location, all of these are done in few minutes. Other factors like expected salary and preferred industry help the candidates to view those jobs that match their criteria. The demand is high, so the job recruitment services compete with each other on the online platform. But different agencies have different unique attributes. Some might be good in job profiling. Others give importance to the reputation of the employers.
Ease of mechanism
These job portals frequently give fresh and regular updates to the online community. The search results get populated every time new users enter their details. they are stored in the website server and then sent to the companies, after which the company personnel directly contacts the job seeker. William Almonte believes that the real reason behind the success of this process is the organized structure of the process and its simplicity. The friendly and comprehensiveness of online recruitment service give a candidate a platform of sorting, selecting and managing the job profiles.
Industry dependence over the online process
Apart from job portals, individual companies are also taking the online route to hire their employees. They provide all the details, i.e., eligibility criteria, the HR personnel to meet for the selection process, date and venue for the interview. The big names of the industry are making their hiring process entirely an online activity. Because it is smooth and efficient, this method has become popular among the job seekers. The new age recruiters prefer the online medium over the conventional offline process. While the job seeker look and search for jobs among thousands of options and recruiters help the candidate find the job suited to their needs. After carefully choosing and selecting, the job seeker is then mailed and scheduled for the interview.
Competitive market
William Almonte Mahwah stresses on the competitive nature of the market. Not all the job portals are equally accessible and successful among its users. Some are better than others in various aspects. So the job seekers must keep in mind which online portals are much more rewarding than others. By using a verified and trusted agency can majorly enhance the success rate for the candidate.
The four nodes of online service
There are four nodes to an online recruitment service.
- Company to candidate correspondence
- Candidate to company correspondence
- Administrative operatives
- Database. These are the building blocks on which an online recruitment service is built. The advantage of this process is that users have all the information at their disposal and then carefully select and choose their preferred jobs.
Simply put, online job recruitment is a process that bridge the gap between the client, recruiter, and candidate in which everyone meets their requirement. And because it is easy to use, the process is simplified and effective.